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brenda gantt cabbage casserole recipe

Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole Recipe: A Delicious Southern Delight

Exploring the heart of Southern cuisine means immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of flavors and traditions unique to the region. Amidst the culinary landscape of the South stands a beacon of homely goodness and heartwarming meals – Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole. This classic favorite, beloved by food enthusiasts and home cooks alike, has become a trademark of comfort and simplicity, exhibiting the best of Southern cooking.

In this extensive blog post, we will detail the treasures of Brenda Gantt’s renowned cabbage casserole and explore the story behind the recipe, its cultural significance, and ways to personalize it for your kitchen.

Brenda Gantt: The Southern Cooking Sensation

Before you fall in love with her iconic casserole, it’s essential to spotlight the culinary sensation Brenda Gantt. Hailing from Monroeville, Alabama, Brenda Gantt is a beloved figure in the Southern food scene, renowned for her traditional, no-fuss approach to cooking. Her popularity soared through her role as a host and chef in a public access cooking show, where her warm personality and delicious recipes endeared her to an ever-growing audience.

Brenda Gantt's Cabbage Casserole
Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole

Brenda Gantt’s claim to fame lies in her ability to create dishes with a touch of homely love while maintaining the finesse of Southern comfort food. Her cabbage casserole is the perfect testament to this – humble ingredients combine to create a sumptuous, heartwarming, and satisfying meal.

The Classic Cabbage Casserole Recipe

Here’s the detailed recipe you’ve been eagerly awaiting. The simplicity of this dish’s ingredients is genuinely deceptive, leading to a rich and comforting final product.

Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole Recipe: A Delicious Southern Delight

Recipe by Shajadul IslamCourse: Dinner, Recipes, Side DishesCuisine: AlabamaDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





Exploring the heart of Southern cuisine means immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of flavors and traditions unique to the region. Amidst the culinary landscape of the South stands a beacon of homely goodness and heartwarming meals – Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole. This classic favorite, beloved by food enthusiasts and home cooks alike, has become a trademark of comfort and simplicity, exhibiting the best of Southern cooking.


  • One large head of cabbage, roughly chopped.

  • One white onion, diced

  • Two cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 lb ground beef

  • 1 cup cooked rice

  • One can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes.

  • One can (10.5 oz) cream of mushroom soup.

  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Step 1: Prepare the Ingredients
    Begin by preheating your oven to 350°F. In a large pot, boil the chopped cabbage for 4-5 minutes to soften it. Drain and set aside.
    In a separate skillet over medium heat, cook the ground beef with the diced onion and minced garlic until brown. Remove excess fat, if necessary.
  • Step 2: Layer the Casserole
    In a 9×13-inch baking dish, layer half of the parboiled cabbage, half of the beef mixture, and half of the cooked rice. Repeat the layers, ending with the rice on top.
  • Step 3: Add Seasonings and Sauce
    Season each layer with salt and pepper. Pour the diced tomatoes and cream of mushroom soup over the top layer, spreading them evenly. Sprinkle the shredded cheddar cheese on top.
  • Step 4: Bake and Enjoy
    Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake for 1 hour. Remove the foil and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown. Serve hot and enjoy!

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Why You’ll Love It

Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole is more than a blend of ingredients. It represents a time-honored tradition of Southern cooking, offering a medley of flavors that are as comforting as they are satisfying. The cabbage melds with the beef and rice, softened to perfection, creating a timeless, hearty, and wholesome combination. The cheesy, tomatoey topping ties it all together, providing a splendid richness that balances out the dish. It’s the ultimate comfort food – simple, delicious, and perfect for any occasion.

The Flavor Profile and Taste Highlights

The cabbage casserole is renowned for its meld of sweet and savory notes, thanks to the cabbage’s caramelization, the beef’s robustness, and the creaminess brought by the soup and cheese. The acidity of the tomatoes provides a counterbalance that ensures each bite is perfectly seasoned and utterly delicious. The rice adds a comforting texture, soaking up the flavors and creating a full-bodied dish that’s both soulful and satisfying.

Nutritional Benefits

Amidst the delectable flavors, Brenda Gantt’s recipe also offers a fair share of nutritional benefits. Cabbage is a low-calorie, high-fiber food packed with vitamins and antioxidants. When combined with lean ground beef and wholesome rice, the dish can be considered a guilt-free comfort meal. To make it even healthier, you can opt for low-sodium or homemade versions of the canned ingredients.

Variations and Tips

What makes a recipe yours are the small touches and personalizations you add along the way. Here are some variations and essential tips to help you make Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole recipe uniquely yours.

  • Vegetarian: For a vegetarian option, replace the ground beef with tofu or extra vegetables like mushrooms and bell peppers.
  • Spicy twist: Add some red pepper flakes or hot sauce for a kick of heat.
  • Crockpot version: Instead of baking in the oven, layer the ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on low for 4 hours.
  • Traditional vs. modern: While the classic recipe calls for canned soup and tomatoes, you can also make a homemade version using fresh ingredients.
  • Personalize it: Experiment with different cheese types, add some herbs or seasonings, or top the casserole with breadcrumbs for an extra crunch.
Brenda Gantt's Cabbage Casserole
Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole

In conclusion, Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole is more than a recipe. It’s a testament to Southern cooking – one that celebrates simplicity, tradition, and the rich flavors of comfort food. We hope this blog post has inspired you to try this iconic dish and make it your own. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your personal touch to make it yours. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours.

Creative Twists to Personalize the Recipe

For those looking to add a bit of flair to the classic recipe, there are many variations to consider. You could swap the ground beef for turkey or chicken for a lighter version. Vegetarian options can be explored by substituting the meat with lentils or chickpeas. Additionally, the choice of cheese – from sharp cheddar to mellow mozzarella – can significantly alter the final profile of the dish, allowing for a range of tastes to suit different palates. For a unique texture, the topping can also be customized with breadcrumbs, crushed crackers, or even cornflakes. The possibilities are endless – so don’t hesitate to get creative and make the recipe your own! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your personal touch to make it yours.

Brenda Gantt's Cabbage Casserole
Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole

Sharing the Love for Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole

This recipe has stood the test of time and is a beloved dish for many families across the South. Whether passed down through generations or discovered through online recipes, Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole has brought joy and comfort to countless kitchen tables. So why not share the love and spread the word about this iconic Southern recipe? Your friends and family might thank you for introducing them to their new favorite comfort dish.

Cooking Tips for Beginners

For those new to cooking or attempting this dish for the first time, a few pointers can enhance your experience. Ensure to cook the cabbage until it is tender; its texture plays a crucial role in the overall mouthfeel of the casserole. Also, season each layer appropriately – this is where the richness of flavor develops. Finally, don’t skimp on the cheese. The gooey topping adds taste and helps brown and seal in the moisture, ensuring a perfect bake. With these tips, you can nail this recipe and impress your taste buds. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours.

Brenda Gantt's Cabbage Casserole
Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole

Brenda Gantt’s Legacy

Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole represents not just a recipe but a legacy – a culinary bridge that connects generations of Southern families through shared meals and cherished flavors. Its simplicity and depth of taste have made it a staple on dinner tables, potlucks, and community gatherings for years. And as long as there are cooks in the South, this iconic dish will continue to be a beloved part of Southern cuisine. So next time you’re looking for a comforting and delicious meal, try Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole – you won’t be disappointed! Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours. So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours.

Impact on Southern Cuisine

Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole have fostered an appreciation for traditional Southern cuisine while encouraging experimentation within its confines. This casserole, with its humble origins and exquisite taste, embodies the essence of Southern comfort food and continues to play a significant role in shaping the region’s gastronomic landscape. As more and more people discover and fall in love with Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole, its impact on Southern cuisine only continues to grow. So let’s raise our forks to this timeless dish and the woman behind it all – Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours. Happy cooking! So why not try it in your kitchen and experience the heartwarming taste of Southern cuisine for yourself? Remember, don’t be afraid to add your touch to make it yours.

Community Following and Engagement

Brenda’s influence extends beyond her kitchen. Through her show and community work, she has created a family of food lovers who relish her dishes and come together to share their stories and experiences. Brenda’s cabbage casserole has sparked collaborative culinary ventures and symbolized unity and sharing among those who love to cook and eat. So, the next time you make this dish, remember that you’re part of a community that spans generations and celebrates the joy of good food.


Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole is not just a recipe; it’s a Southern institution. Its ability to bring joy and comfort through the dining table is a testament to the power of good food made with love. It’s a call to all food enthusiasts and home cooks to try their hand at Southern excellence and to experience the taste of tradition.

To honor Brenda Gantt and her culinary contributions, there’s no better way than to prepare her cabbage casserole, share it with family and friends, and continue the legacy of its deliciousness. Whether you follow the recipe to a ‘T’ or add your creative spin, Brenda’s spirit of community and comfort will be present in every mouthful.

The cabbage casserole is a warm, cheesy, and aromatic invitation to explore the depths of Southern cooking. Are you ready to take up the spoon and stir the pot of tradition? Your Brenda Gantt-inspired culinary adventure awaits.


Brenda Gantt’s Cabbage Casserole

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