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stir fried tomato and egg recipe

The Art of the Wok: Stir Fried Tomato and Egg Recipe

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In the vast and diverse world of home cooking, certain dishes effortlessly strike a perfect balance between comfort and simplicity, and perhaps none do so more effectively than the stir-fried tomato and egg. This dish, which has its roots deeply embedded in the rich soil of China’s culinary tradition, has not just remained a staple on the family dinner tables within its country of origin but has also travelled across continents, adapting itself to the local palates and preferences, thereby securing a place in the hearts and kitchens of people around the world. Today, we are going to delve deep into the culinary intricacies of a stir-fry that not only encapsulates the very essence of home-cooked goodness but also manages to appeal to our senses profoundly, adding a dash of the exotic to the most familiar of stir fried tomato and egg recipe in the most comforting of ways. This journey through flavours and traditions will not only educate but also inspire you to bring a piece of this culinary heritage into your kitchen, experimenting with this dish’s simplicity and richness.

stir fried tomato and egg recipe
stir fried tomato and egg recipe

A Taste of Tradition: Unraveling the History and Significance

At the heart of it, the stir fried tomato and egg recipe dish truly captures the spirit of traditional Chinese home cooking. Its history may not be as extensively recorded or celebrated as some of its more illustrious culinary peers. Still, it is a testament to the enduring appeal of simple, straightforward preparation combined with deep, satisfying flavours. With its plump, juicy tomatoes embodying the pinnacle of the summer’s bounty and the rich, earthy flavour of eggs likely sourced from local chickens, this dish has found its way into countless Chinese households, especially during economic hardship. It emerged as a beacon of nutritional hope, offering a way to feed families an affordable and delicious meal. The stir fried tomato and egg recipe is more than just a dish; it symbolizes resilience and clever use of available ingredients to create something balanced with flavour and nutritional value.

Stirring Health in the Pot: The Nutritional Profile

This seemingly basic dish is far more than meets the eye, serving as a treasure trove of nutrients essential for any healthy eating plan. Tomatoes add a burst of colour and flavour and are renowned for their high lycopene content. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant and other antioxidants found in tomatoes, provides a protective punch against cellular damage that’s hard to beat. On the other hand, eggs, often at the centre of the nutritional debate, are an indispensable part of this dish. They offer an inexpensive yet rich source of high-quality protein alongside essential vitamins like B12 and riboflavin, which are crucial for energy metabolism and maintaining good health.

Moreover, combining eggs and tomatoes creates a dynamic duo that is fitting for those seeking a wholesome diet without sacrificing flavour. The eggs’ creamy texture complements the acidic brightness of the tomatoes, creating a dish that is nutritionally balanced and a delight to the palate. This dish exemplifies how simple ingredients, when combined thoughtfully, can contribute to a balanced and healthful diet, making it a perfect choice for anyone looking to nourish their body without compromising taste.

stir fried tomato and egg recipe
stir fried tomato and egg recipe

Cooking up a Storm: Your Step-by-Step Guide

The beauty of the stir fried tomato and egg recipe lies in its approachable nature. Here, we’ll guide you through each stage of crafting this culinary gem, ensuring the result is a plateful of pure satisfaction.

Ingredients Keep it simple; all you need is:

  • Fresh vine-ripened tomatoes
  • Eggs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Cooking oil (preferably with a high smoke point, like canola or peanut oil)

Step 1: Preparing Your Ingredients

Begin by washing and drying your produce. For the tomatoes, it’s best to core and remove the seeds, which, if left in, can create a watery stir-fry. Slice the flesh into wedges, and then halve the wedges for bite-size pieces.

Crack and beat the eggs in a bowl until the yolks and whites are fully combined. This step is crucial to achieving a smooth and even texture for the egg component.

Step 2: The Pre-Cook

Heat your wok or skillet over high heat until it’s nearly smoking. Add a generous pour of your cooking oil, and immediately follow with your sliced tomatoes. Stir them for a few minutes until they soften but are not mushy. Then, remove them from the wok and set aside.

Step 3: Eggscellent Execution

Reheat the wok and add a little more oil. Pour in your beaten eggs, and as they solidify, gently stir to create large, silky curds. Be cautious not to overcook; the goal is a tender omelette texture.

Step 4: Ultimate Unison

Return the tomatoes to the wok, and fold them into the eggs until mixed thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook for another minute to allow the flavours to meld, and voilà!

stir fried tomato and egg recipe
stir fried tomato and egg recipe

Wok Wisdom: Tips for a Superb Stir-Fry

The key to a standout stir-fry is in the attention to detail. Here are some insights to elevate your dish from good to great:

  • Heat Management: Keep the wok hot – smoking hot. This gives the ingredients a quick sear, locking in their natural flavours and nutrients.
  • Ingredient Prep: Slice your ingredients evenly and relatively the same size. This guarantees a more even and aesthetically pleasing cook.
  • Seasoning Savvy: Taste as you go and remember, less is more. The modesty of seasoning often found in traditional Chinese cooking allows each element to harmonize without any single flavour dominating.
  • The Agitation Equation: Stir-frying is a dynamic cooking method. Keep the ingredients moving to prevent sticking and burning and to achieve an ideal sear on all sides. A good technique is to use a scooping motion to scrape the bottom and sides of the wok with your utensil. This also allows for an interchange of temperature in the wok, promoting even cooking.
stir fried tomato and egg recipe
stir fried tomato and egg recipe

Keeping it Fresh: Modern Twists on a Classic

The stir fried tomato and egg recipe is a versatile dish that lends itself to endless variations. While the traditional recipe remains one of our all-time favourites, there are plenty of creative ways to put your spin on this classic dish. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Add-in Options: Experiment with different vegetables or meats, such as mushrooms, bell peppers, or thinly sliced pork.
  • Sauce Selection: Try various sauces for added depth of flavor. Soy sauce, oyster sauce, and even ketchup can all be incorporated into the dish, depending on your preference.
  • Spice it Up: For those who enjoy a bit of spice in their meals, add a kick of heat with chilli paste or sriracha. Or try adding some fresh herbs like cilantro or basil for a burst of freshness.
  • Suggestions: Serve your stir-fry over rice or noodles to transform it into a complete meal, or wrap it in a warm tortilla for a fusion twist.
  • Get Creative: Use this dish as a base and let your imagination run wild. The possibilities are endless, from adding cheese to turning it into a breakfast sandwich!

Side Dish Symphony: Serving with Style

The stir fried tomato and egg recipe dish, a classic in its own right, is delicious and a feast for the senses with its vibrant colours and tantalizing flavours. Enhancing this dish with complementary sides can elevate the dining experience to new heights. Consider the simple elegance of steamed rice, which serves as the perfect backdrop to absorb the rich, savoury juices, allowing each bite to be as flavorful as possible. For those seeking a bit more complexity, a batch of homemade scallion pancakes can add a delightful crunch and oniony sweetness that pairs wonderfully with the soft, umami-laden texture of the tomatoes and eggs. Alternatively, with its crisp texture and cooling effect, a light and refreshing cucumber salad offers a palate-cleansing contrast that can balance the heartiness of the main dish. Together, these elements transform a casual meal into an extraordinary occasion, inviting diners to savour each mouthful and appreciate the symphony of flavours on their plate.

Stir Fried Tomato and Egg Recipe

Recipe by Shajadul IslamCourse: DinnerCuisine: WesternDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





Tomato and egg stir fry is a classic Chinese dish loved by many. It is a simple yet delicious recipe that can be made with just a few ingredients. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how to make this mouthwatering dish. So, grab your apron, and let’s get cooking!


  • Four ripe tomatoes

  • Four eggs

  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil

  • One tablespoon of soy sauce

  • One teaspoon sugar

  • Salt to taste

  • Chopped green onions for garnish


  • Start by preparing the ingredients. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into wedges. Beat the eggs in a bowl and set aside.
  • Heat a wok or a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the vegetable oil and swirl it around to coat the bottom of the pan.
  • Add the tomato wedges to the pan and stir-fry them for about 2 minutes until they soften. Remove the tomatoes from the pan and set aside.
  • Add a bit more oil to the same pan if needed. Pour in the beaten eggs and scramble them until they are just cooked. Remove the scrambled eggs from the pan and set aside.
  • Return the tomatoes to the pan and add the soy sauce, sugar, and salt. Stir fry for another minute until the tomatoes are coated in the sauce.
  • Add the scrambled eggs to the pan and gently mix them with the tomatoes. Cook for another minute to heat everything through.
  • Transfer the stir fried tomato and egg recipe to a serving plate and garnish with chopped green onions.
  • Serve hot with steamed rice or noodles.

Recipe Video

For more delicious homemade cook recipes, check out here-

stir fried tomato and egg recipe
stir fried tomato and egg recipe


The stir fried tomato and egg recipe is not just another recipe; it’s a testament to the universality of good food. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or just starting your culinary adventure, this dish is your passport to the varied and delicious world of Chinese cooking. With an appreciation of its history and the proper guide at your side, it’s ready to make its debut on your dining table, delighting palates and hearts alike.

It’s time to pick up your wok, chop those tomatoes, and beat those eggs. Share your work successes and blend into the tapestry of global cuisine. Cooking is an art, and every stir-fry is a brushstroke on the canvas of your gastronomical potential.

Experience the satisfying sizzle of the wok, and savour the fruits of your labour in every delicious bite of stir-fried tomato and egg. Remember, the key ingredient in any dish is the cook’s dedication, so pour it in generously. Happy cooking!

stir fried tomato and egg recipe
stir fried tomato and egg recipe


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Stir Fried Tomato and Egg Recipe

Can I use canned tomatoes instead of fresh ones?

While fresh vine-ripened tomatoes are recommended for their flavour and texture, canned tomatoes can be used as a substitute if fresh ones are unavailable. Drain the tomatoes well, and remember that the texture may vary slightly from the original recipe.

What can I use if I don’t have a wok?

A large skillet will work just fine if you don’t have a wok. Ensure it has a wide surface area for even heat distribution and room for stirring without spilling.

Can I add other ingredients to the stir-fry?

Absolutely! This recipe is versatile. Feel free to incorporate onions, green onions, bell peppers, or soy sauce for added flavour. However, remember to maintain the balance of flavours to keep the dish’s character intact.

How do I prevent the eggs from becoming rubbery?

The secret to soft, silky eggs is to cook them on relatively high heat for a short time. Stir gently and remove them from the heat as soon as they start to set to avoid overcooking.

Is stir fried tomato and egg recipe suitable for vegetarians?

This dish is vegetarian-friendly, as it mainly consists of eggs and tomatoes. It’s a tremendous protein-rich option for vegetarians. However, due to the use of eggs, it is unsuitable for vegans.

How do I store leftovers?

Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days. Reheat gently in a skillet or microwave, adding water to moisten the dish.

Can this dish be made in advance?

This dish is best enjoyed fresh, but if you need to prepare in advance, cook the tomatoes and eggs separately and store them. Combine and reheat when ready to serve, adjusting the seasoning as needed.

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