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Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie Recipe: A Culinary Delight

trader joe's chicken pot pie recipe

In today’s bustling world, where time is of the essence, yet the yearning for a homely meal is unceasing, the appeal of comfort food has never been stronger. Trader Joe’s, known for its innovative product line, has a special place in the hearts of foodies and home cooks. Amidst their varied offerings, one item stands out as a perennial favorite—the trader joe’s chicken pot pie.

Compared to entirely homemade meals, using a ready-made pot pie may feel like a cheat, but sometimes, convenience can meet quality in the middle—and that’s precisely what Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie offers. However, the intrigue doesn’t stop there; it can also serve as the foundation for a delightful at-home culinary adventure that rivals the taste and is tailored to your preferences. In this post, we’ll unravel the secret to Trader Joe’s renowned pot pie and encourage you to enhance it in a way that store-bought can’t provide.



Prep time


Cooking time





To begin this culinary quest with Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie, you’ll need the following ingredients:


  • 2 Pre-made pie crusts

  • 2 cups of cooked chicken, shredded or cubed

  • 2 cups of mixed frozen vegetables (peas, carrots, corn, green beans)

  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped

  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter

  • 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour

  • 2 cups of chicken broth

  • 1 cup of whole milk

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat Your Oven: Set your oven to 375°F (190°C). This ensures your pot pie is cooked evenly and has the perfect crust texture.
  • Sauté the Veggies: Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a medium skillet. Add the onion and garlic, and sauté until they are soft and fragrant, about 2-3 minutes. Then, add the mixed vegetables and mushrooms to the skillet. Continue to sauté until tender, approximately 5-7 minutes—season with salt, Pepper, and thyme.
  • Prepare the Pot Pie: Remove the Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie from its packaging. If you use extra pie crust for a double layer or decorations, now is the time to prepare that.
  • Combine and Customize: If the vegetable mix in the skillet has cooled, combine it with the contents of the Chicken Pot Pie in a mixing bowl. If you add chicken broth, gently fold it to achieve the desired consistency. This is your moment to customize according to taste and creativity.
  • Assemble: Transfer the combined filling back into the pie crust. If you use an extra layer of pie crust or decorative elements, arrange them on top now.
  • Bake: Place the assembled pot pie on a baking sheet (to catch any drips) and bake in the preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly.
  • Cool and Serve: Allow the pot pie to cool for a few minutes before serving. This makes it easier to cut and helps the flavors meld together beautifully.

Recipe Video


  • This preparation guideline is designed to take the convenience of Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie and elevate it into a customized culinary delight, making it a unique addition to your home-cooked meal repertoire.

For more delicious homemade cook recipes, check out here-

Crafting the Perfect Pot Pie

To those who desire a touch of personalization, here’s where the real fun begins. While Trader Joe’s delivers a great base, there’s always room for improvement, and what’s more personal than the tweaks you implement to suit your taste?

You can add extra richness by mixing in a bit of heavy cream, extra veggies for a more robust filling, or a sprinkling of herbs for a pop of flavor. Additionally, experimenting with different crusts, such as puff pastry or a biscuit topping, can add a layer of uniqueness to your pot pie.

Regardless of your changes, ensuring the pie is cooked until the filling is bubbling and the golden top provides a delightful dining experience.

trader joe’s chicken pot pie

Why Make It at Home?

The Homemade Advantage

Creating Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie at home promises a satisfying meal and offers an array of advantages that store-bought cannot match.

Better Ingredients, Better Taste

When you prepare a pot pie in your kitchen, you control the quality of the ingredients. Freshly selected produce, high-quality chicken, and excluding additives or preservatives lead to a more flavorful and nourishing final product.

You Are in Control

Homemade means the reins are in your hands. You can adjust the recipe to include more butter if you prefer a flakier crust. If you’re a fan of intense flavors, you can add your favorite seasonings with a liberal hand. The control to tailor the dish to your preferences is one of the main reasons home cooking will always hold a special place in the hearts of food enthusiasts.

The Altered Cost-Benefit Equation

Although Trader Joe’s products are famously cost-effective, making the pot pie home can offer even more savings. You can buy ingredients in bulk, use leftover rotisserie chicken, or choose less expensive cuts to reduce your meal’s cost further. Plus, you can make a larger batch and either freeze the leftovers or enjoy them throughout the week, maximizing your investment of time and money.

trader joe’s chicken pot pie

Audience Engagement: Share Your trader joe’s chicken pot pie

Your Turn to Share

The joy of cooking is magnified when it’s shared. Have you cooked Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie at home? What adaptations have you made to the recipe? We invite you to share your experience and any insights or personal touches that have made your version stand out. Engage with us on social media platforms using leave a comment below to let us know how you added your signature twist to this classic dish.

Join the Community

If you’re a fan of Trader Joe’s and love experimenting in the kitchen, we invite you to join our community of home cooks. Follow us on social media for more recipes, tips, and tricks to elevate your culinary game. Let’s continue to share the joy of cooking and creating new twists on beloved dishes like Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie. Happy cooking! Overall, this recipe is not just about enjoying a delicious meal; it also brings people together and encourages creativity in the kitchen. So grab a Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie package and prepare to embark on your own pot pie adventure. Share your experience with us and join the community of home cooks who love experimenting with their favorite dishes.

trader joe’s chicken pot pie

Popular Chicken Recipes to Explore

Chicken is an incredibly versatile ingredient that is the backbone of countless dishes worldwide. From the comforting warmth of a home-cooked meal to the exotic flavors of international cuisine, chicken recipes are as varied as they are delicious. Here are a few popular chicken recipes that have captured the hearts of food enthusiasts:

trader joe’s chicken pot pie

Conclusion: Take the First Bite into Homemade Comfort

The essence of comfort is often encapsulated in the most simple yet satisfying meals. With its heritage of home-like flavors and a promise of a hearty meal, Trader Joe’s Chicken Pot Pie serves as a canvas for a culinary experience that’s both familiar and personal. By transitioning from store-bought to homemade, you don’t just elevate the meal; you create a piece of cherished familiarity that resonates with each mouthful.

We encourage you to take this recipe, make it your own, and enjoy the rewarding experience of homemade cooking. Share your culinary victories with us, and if you need help with where to start, remember this post is here to guide you through the process. It’s time to roll up your sleeves, preheat your oven, and savor the aroma of comfort that only a homemade pot pie can bring to your table.

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